Monday, December 24, 2012

Layer Styles in Photoshop

Sunday, December 24, 2012

Layer Styles in Photoshop

    I've created the drop shadow in layers, but indirectly through what Photoshop calls "Layer Styles". I had tried to figure out how to work with layer styles, but Adobe's explanation is poorly written when it comes to figuring out exactly what Layer Styles are, and exactly how to get one. 

   I was very excited to see an effect in Layer Styles called outer glow. I figured that for the motorcycle and rider below, there would be a nice halo-style effect around them both. So I went to Adobe Photoshop internet help, and found the page for help. I worked and worked for naught and nothing was appearing. for some strange reason, I decided to create a canvas (an outer area around an image). The photo size was 4" x 6" ((102mm x 152mm) , and so I made the canvas size 6" x 8" (152mm x 203mm). I played around with the effect, and eventually figured out exactly what "outer glow" was.

  Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed with the poor instructions that Adobe provide as to what  a layer style was, the fact that much information was missing to figure out what a layer style was, and in the end what a layer style is!  Adobe Photoshop is the # 1 image-editing software, yet for the Layer effect, it turned out to be more of an effect than a useful tool. You'll see what I mena below.

Layer Style 
 Outer Glow

The Starting Photo
A 1930's cast iron Champion Motorcyle Toy

The Opening Layer Window
Notice that the Layer is locked. This is to protect the "original" image. By clicking on the lock,you can unlock the lock, and then create a layer to work on. This avoids damaging or losing the original.

Clicking on the lock create a Layer O.
You can also just creat a new layer or duplicate layer.

 A pop-up window appears.
You can rename the Layer 0 to whatever name you'd like to give the layer.

The "outer glow" layer style is created around the photo,rather than the effect that I had originally thought. Consequently, you need to create a canvas areas around the photo. I made mine too large, but could trim it later.

Changing the locked background by clicking on it gives you this window.
You will now be able to create the "outer glow".

Now you bring up the outer glow menu
Layer >> Layer Style >> Outer Glow 

The menu above appears, and you move the sliders to see the effect.
Of course, you can always do an edit >>step backward if you do not like the effect or colour theme. 

Another window opens, you move some sliders, and this is the result.
Not the romantic special theatrical "halo" aura around the toy, but more like a picture frame!

Layer Style 

 "Stroke" is another layer style effect. I now realize that from the title "layer Style", the effect in Photoshop is a layer effect, and not an image effect, even though an image can in fact be a layer.

You follow the firest several steps on opeing an image, then unlocking the layer, then creating canvas, then the layer effect. The "stroke" is found in the same place as the  "outer glow"

Layer >>Layer Style >>Stroke

The Final Result

  Of course, you can create more sophisticated effects using the Layer >>Layer Style menu, but  this wasn't what I had envisioned in this area of Photoshop. Adobe keeps asking readers to provide feedback that Photoshop can use without any remuneration. I think Adobe should pay people for their ideas. The longer I work in Photoshop, the more I realize how many areas are weak, could use some great ideas, and of course the Adobe Photoshop tutorials could be written much better. 

** As it would happen, I did figure out what I was doing wrong for using this  menu. I needed to isolate the object from the background. In this way, any effect would would start at the object rather from the borders. My next post is about this. However, Adobe, and most every media sort, never mentions little things like this!**

   I wrote today on 1 feedback area all of the above, and told them to write me. I won't hold my breath. However, I have written several times on the community Photoshop chat area. The latest PS6 has a big problem with registration, and everyone knows it. The problem has been known to Adobe for months now, but they're only getting around to trying a solution now. I've had to chat with a Photoshop rep once, and re-register my Photoshop copy 2 more times already., because of the "problem".

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.


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