Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Notes Window in Photoshop

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Notes Window in Photoshop

   I always wondered why you can't save an entire  images history and the final image so that if you ever needed to go back and change something you could. What I found and I may be wrong is that all of the history resides in the cache memory, and when the layers are merged, and the file saved, everything is lost.

  There is a way though in Photoshop to write down what you are doing,and this is done in an optional window view item called "Notes". It's laborious, but that's all they offer.  Another option is to use Techsmith's Camtasia for Mac or for the PC, but both versions are costly, with the MAc version less. What Camtasia does is record everything  that are are doing. So if you're working in Photoshop, you can start Camtasia, and it will record all of the work you are doing in Photoshop. As well, you can even talk, and it will record this as well. Adobe has something called Captivate that they got when they took over Macromedia, however I don't know anything about that program,and it's even moire expensive!

A screen-capture of a Sun Rubber  or Auburn Rubber car circa 1940's

One of the items that you can open on the working screen (Window) is:
Window >>Notes

Once you activate the Notes, it will appear on the window.
However, it will not activate (donlt ask me why!), until you go to the eyedropper (below)

In the eyedropper tool, open the 4 options by pressing on the small triangle in the lower right corner.
Then press "Note Tool"

Pressing on the "Note Tool" will have 2 things show up on the working window

1. A small yellow notepad with a pencil (left side)
2. A white window to the right that will allow you to type in notes.

Once the white small window in the Notes" appears in the upper right, you
just type in your notes.

When you are finished with your photo, you need to save the file as a Photoshop (PSD) image.
When you press save, the PSD will automatically show up.

If you save the file as a jpg, the notes will not be saved!

When you re-open the PSD image, the small yellow notepad (no pencil) will show on the left. 
Also, the area where you write will show up in grey.

Pressing the yellow notepad on the left will do 2 things:

1. Open up the notes for you to view
2. Allow you to write more notes if you needed to work some more on the image.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a nice day wherever you are.


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